Erasmus+ Project DigiSpeed: first LLT meeting in Croatia

The first Learning and Teaching Meeting (LLT) of the Erasmus+ project ‘Digital Transformation in Special Education’ was held in Vrgorac, Croatia: 22 – 26 October. 

This meeting was attended by two of our EduXprss members and our project partners: the Faculty of Education of Amasya University from Türkiye, the Merzifon Şehit Dursun Özsaraç vocational and technical Anatolian high school, the host school Vrogoraç from Croatia, the University of Vilnius from Lithuania and the International Vision University from Macedonia. In this LLT meeting, not only our partners participated; but also, students from the different participating countries took part.

Prior to this meeting, each partner developed activities to promote the development of students with special needs within the educational system. During the meeting, partners and students collectively reflected on these activities and talked about new activities to be developed. We had the opportunity to observe and research the education of special needs students within Croatian education and shared with the project participants methods that could be used in the development of activities to benefit special needs students. Great days together with like-minded people in which we also grew closer as a team!

Our big thanks to all the participating parties and especially our ‘colleagues’ from the University of Amasya for their work behind the scenes and team Croatia for their tremendous hospitality! We look forward to our next meeting in February; when we may welcome the entire project team in the Netherlands.

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