Willeke Colenbrander

Willeke Colenbrander
Phone: +31 (0)6 11168409
E-Mail: info@bureau-w.nl

‘It’s all a matter of perception’

For me it is important that everyone can participate, that people get the same opportunities and all the time and space to discover and develop their talents. At the same time, I know that this is a utopia. Every day I meet and work with people who experience that life is a struggle for them, encounter bumps and obstacles on their path and do not understand how the world works. It is my mission to see which obstacles can be removed, both in society but also within organizations and in people themselves, so that they can grow and flourish again. But above all, I want to look people in the eye and see them for what they are worth, discover their talents together and see what meaning they want to give to their lives.

The way you look at yourself and the world colors your image of reality and your life. It is important to realize through which glasses you look at the world, because this contributes to the way you stand in the world and where the solutions lie for your problem. I sometimes feel like a fairy in my work, when I see the twinkle in someone’s eye when we have had a beautiful conversation that really got to the heart of the matter. It is so satisfying when someone has found a place that suits him/her/them.

Since 2006 I have been working as a (career) coach, trainer and advisor with Bureau W for individuals of all ages and origins and professionals from the social and cultural domain. My specialization is labor mobilization of people, the guidance of status holders and migrants towards care and the use of culture as a means of development.